Driving a car of any model during the adolescence stage is somewhat thrilling and dreading at the same time for not all is blessed to take over the steering wheel. Just imagine how it feels to be able to go places while other people of your same age are too busy with other things. Doesn’t it actually feel like you are having freedom?
Before you get to enjoy this kind of freedom, there are things to make sure, first is if your vehicle already has private car insurance and second if you have a license as a student driver. Just so you know, in order to drive an auto in Singapore, one must own an official driving license. On the other hand, getting the best car insurance is like securing your safety as a student driver, due to the fact that it can cover you and not just your car in case an accident appears while you are on the road.
In addition to driving license and auto insurance, here are some things to take note:
Parents Should Have A Role In Teen Driving Education
Isn’t it the parents are our first teachers, that is why it is really important that your parents should play a role in teen driving education. With this, the risk of injury or accidents can be prevented.
Keep Your Eyes On The Road
When driving, giving 100% of your attention is a must. Make sure that your two hands are just on the steering and not holding your mobile phone.
Drive Cautiously
Since you don’t have any idea to what will happen while you are on the road, it would be better to expect the unexpected.
Plan A Safe Driving
Before hitting the road for a fun ride, it is recommended to check and adjust the sear, side mirrors, and climate controls. In addition, to keep a safe driving, always wear your seatbelts and don’t drive when you are under the influence of alcohol.
Whether you’re an adult who has just given your teenage son/daughter a car or a teen who dreams of driving your own car, this safety guidance can do a big help!
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